Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Meeting the Girls

May 30th 2011

Today was the day that "The Boys" met "The Girls"! I was so nervous about this meeting. Our girls are very diva-ish, which is to say they are spoiled rotten and want things their way!



Malika is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff. I got her when she was about 9 weeks old, in 2005. She likes things her way, hence the less then normal floppy ears, she refused to hold her ears up as a puppy. The vet said over and over not to worry, they would stand on her own...well he was wrong. (Of course, I only joke about this...I could careless what her ears look like!) She also has dry skin and so I keep her groomed short. Malika loves to play with her toys, sleep on the back of the couch, and she loves bedtime because she gets special treats.  She love to go spend the night with Grams. She "talks" more then she barks.

 Jackie is a Jack Russell/Chi mix. I got her when she was about 8 weeks old, in 2007. She was given to my Grandmother right before she had to have a bypass surgery. I volunteered to keep her while my grandmother recovered. Well, we ended up falling in love, so she remained with us. Jackie is the queen bee, or so she thinks. She loves Linden and they "fight" like brother and sister. She is our little guard dog. She loves sleeping under the covers. She has her "spot" on the back of the couch which over the years is indented to fit her body. She loves chasing feet and biting my ankles as I walk, she finds this fun.

The meeting with the girls went ok. Ace and Deuce wanted to smell the girls, the Girls wanted NOTHING to do with Ace and Deuce. Both Malika and Jackie growled if the boys came near them. Jackie let it be known from the start she was the boss. They went along with her, to not hurt her feelings.  It seems that they all have a general understanding: The girls rule in this house, and the boys just don't care. Maybe one day they will all be best pals and get along. For now, the boys try to play with the girls, but the girls want nothing to do with the boys!  They do all agree on one thing, They all love to sleep the day away. Together they have taken over the couch and love seat! hahah.

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