Tuesday, July 12, 2011

6 Weeks Later..

Fast forward 6 weeks, and that is where we are. I wish I would have started this from the start, but we will make due.

 I can not believe the boys have been here for six weeks. It seems like yesterday, we were picking them up from the airport. In the past  weeks we have undergone many changes. The whole family has had to adjust to the boys being here, but things seem to be going smoothly.

 The first week or so we had an issue with the boys going to the bathroom in the house, but they quickly realized that was a "No No". We now have very few, if any problems. I think that is what gets me the most, how quickly they have learned and adjusted. I know that they have had many changes in their lives since April, but it just amazes me how fast they have learned. They went from outside dogs, that were chained up to a dog house, unless out hunting to spoiled couch potatoes, in a matter of months! They are also getting better on their leashes. They still need more work, but we are happy with the progress they have made. 

 Deuce's sight seems to be completely gone now. I have noticed a difference since he has been here. He has more issues running into things these days, and when we play with toys, its clear he knows they are there, but can not see them at all. He has grabbed my arm many times thinking he was going after a toy. It does not in anyway seem to effect him though. He loves to play and is much more active then Ace.  Normally it is Deuce that will "jump" Ace to get him to play, who is usually found passed out on the couch. Ace does play, don't get me wrong, but he would rather cuddle. We have a host of toys that Deuce plays with, I don't think he has a favorite one, just which ever he grabs. Although he loves to play, Deuce also likes his cuddle time, and I will often find him climbing up in my lap, and wanting to be held, like I hold the girls. Its leg numbing, but so heart warming.

As I said Ace likes to sleep or cuddle, but that does not mean he is the innocent one, as much as he would want you to believe. Ace, though mellow, is the sneaky one. Very cleaver and mischievous. Since being here, Ace has done his fair share of getting in trouble. One day Eric walked into the kitchen only to find Ace up on the dining room table! We have no idea how or why he got up there, but he was just hanging out. Its because of this, the boys sleep in their kennel at night. He also got a hold of the heating pad and chewed it up. That same night he came running down the hall with the neck massager, luckily we got it before he did any damage. He has "attacked" many of Linden's stuffed animals. He likes to pull the bedding out of the kennels (the boys and the girls), and just drag them around. So, many other little things like this. But, for the most part, he just wants to curl up on the couch, the bed, or the futon in the office and sleep. I say curl up, but it often turns to sprawled out. lol I think his biggest goal in life is to break down the wall Jackie has built towards him and Deuce. Everyday, multiple times a day, he is sneaking up on her, trying to be so sweet, just to see if she will growl at him, which she normally does. In the last 6 weeks, there has not been a day he hasn't tried. Ace is also our howler! Although Deuce howls a little, his is mostly in the form of a bark. Ace is an all out Hound Howler! When he gets excited, its like he just can not help it,nor can he stop! lol Aside from his howls, Ace is a "talker" in general. He will "talk"  softly when you give him any kind of affection or just talk to him. He is my cuddlier, and spends most of his days sleeping with his head in my lap (as he is this very moment).

 The boys are very much attached to each other. I can not imagine what one would do without the other. This doesn't mean they are not bonded with us, but its clear they have to know were the other is at all times. Deuce seems to be more attached then Ace, but they seem to be relaxing. There was a time where Deuce would not be happy in a room with out Ace. If Ace got up, Deuce followed. Now Ace will get up and go to the bedroom or office to sleep, and Deuce will stay put. This may never fully go away, and as both become completely blind, it could become stronger. But we hope that the longer they are here, the more they understand that they are safe, and we are here for them too.

As far as the Boys vs the Girls. Malika has become a fan of Deuce's. They will often play tug-a-war together. But, with that being said, she still is not happy that he plays with "her" toys, and she will let him know when he grabs something she does not want him to play with. As far as Ace is concerned, I think Malika is still abit intimidated by him. She wants to play, but is still unsure. Normally she will get behind him and bite at his legs. She has chased him around the house this way, which is very entertaining.  Jackie on the other hand is still firm in her dislike for the boys. I think this is Jackie being Jackie. It is clear she is interested in them, because she will inspect them while they sleep or are not paying attention. She has even given Ace a little lick on the noise. However, as soon as they know she is there, she growls. She also does not like them getting rowdy or playing, even if she is safe in her "spot" and they are know where near her.

 One thing that is clear, there is hardly a dull moment in the house, but it is worth every single moment, just looking at the complete look of content on the faces of Ace and Deuce.

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